Training Policy

  1. Overview
  2. Policies
  3. Training Policy




In the modern competitive environment, WeVysya believes that all of their members need to replenish their knowledge and acquire new skills to do their jobs better. This will benefit both them and their business activities. We want them to feel confident about improving efficiency and productivity, as well as finding new ways towards personal development and success. Keeping this in mind, WeVysya’s Training Policy has an objective towards providing various learning and development programs and activities to its members and leaders.




This policy is applicable to all WeVysya affiliates, Leaders, Members and Staff.




An essential part of any training and development policy is a description of the process of how training and development will be provided. Accepted best practice suggests that the following procedure for provision should be adopted, which should be regarded as a circular series of steps, i.e., when the last stage has been completed, the first step comes back into the frame.


1.          Conducting a needs analysis in order to ascertain if there are any training and development needs (what the learning needs are for employees/staff of WeVysya; group of Leaders; and individual members in relation to the business objectives or their personal objectives.)


2.          Defining learning objectives (what is it that members will need to be able to do at the end of a training program in order to achieve the desired objectives/competencies.)


3.          Identifying the body of content (what do members need to learn in the way of new knowledge and skills and/or to do by changes in behaviour).


4.          Devising a training or development strategy (how, when, and where members learn the knowledge, skills and behaviour’s they require.) This will result in the selection of suitable methods by which the training should be delivered).


5.          Selecting or designing and developing the training program in accordance with the instructional strategy (selecting an already existing program or designing and developing all the materials and training/developing the human resources required for delivering the program).


6.          Developing or checking the assessment tools for the training program (how will members be assessed on their achievement of the objectives) 


7.          Delivering the training or development program to all those who require it.


8.          Evaluating the effectiveness of the training program (Whatever objectives were planned are fulfilled and can be assessed through change in the Leader/Member/Staff response to scenarios dealt in the training program. Example: Leaders Meeting Script, etc, Use of WeVysya terms, Staff activities carried on as a part of their job role.)




1.     GRADUATION DAY - The needs and objectives of the standard training is planned and executed for Members and termed as Graduation Day. Graduation Day training is to be conducted for all the new members inducted into WeVysya at various locations.


2.     LEADERSHIP ACCELERATOR MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (LAMP) – The Management team of WeVysya consisting of House level leaders like President, Secretary, Treasurer (PST) Team, State and Zonal Level Leaders are provided inputs which will help them in completion of their roles and responsibilities at WeVysya at enhanced efficiency levels


3.     SOCIAL MEDIA TRAINING – Here the Three Terms that are defined are:

1. Marketing on Social Media

2. Promotional Marketing

3. Marketing through experience


And the Five Fundamental Social Media Marketing Principles that the training will cover are:


1. The first step in attracting new visitors/members is to establish social relationships.

2. Consistently engaging in social relationships fosters trust.

3. Educating (posting) social relationships provides appealing value.

4. Promoting (marketing) social relationships generates revenue.

5. Quality members are produced by evaluating social relationships




More trainings focusing on member skill enhancement related to personal and professional development will be planned.




1.     Identified attendees to the WeVysya trainings must ensure their attendance for the same. However, in cases of emergencies, concerned PST/State/Zonal leaders must be kept informed.


2.     WeVysya training program sessions will be conducted by internal experts, subject matter experts and special invitees.


3.     WeVysya training to be a team effort with pool of trainers who bring in have diversity to the training program.      

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